Our poker glossary is designed for players of all levels, offering clear explanations and definition of the jargon used by advanced players.
From basic concepts like “Blinds” and “Flop” to more advanced terms, our glossary covers every piece of poker terminology.
This glossary will help you make sense of unfamiliar terms others poker players use at the table.
- 3-Bet
- 4-Bet
- 5-Bet
- 6-Max
- Add-On
- AF (Aggression Factor)
- AFq (Aggression Frequency)
- Aggressive
- Angle Shooting
- Ante
- ATC (Any Two Cards)
- Bad Beat
- Balanced
- Bankroll
- bb/100 (Big Blinds Per 100 Hands)
- BBJ (Bad Beat Jackpot)
- Big Blind
- Blank Card
- Block Bet
- Blocker
- Bluff
- Bomb Pot
- Bottom Pair
- BRM (Bankroll Management)
- Broadway
- Bubble
- Bum Hunting
- Button
- Buy-In
- Call
- Calling Station
- Card Dead
- Cash Game
- CBet (Continuation Bet)
- Check
- Check-Raise
- Chip Dumping
- Chip Leader
- Chop
- Click Back
- Cold Call
- Combo Draw
- Cooler
- Cowboys
- Dead Money
- Deal
- Dealer
- Dealer's Choice
- Deep Stack
- Discard
- Donk Bet
- Donkey
- Downswing
- Draw
- Drawing Dead
- Dry Board
- Early Position
- Effective Stack
- Equity
- Expected Value
- Exposed Card
- Family Pot
- Final Table
- Fish
- Flop
- Flush
- Flush Draw
- Fold
- Full House
- Grinder
- GTO (Game Theory Optimal)
- Gutshot
- Hand
- Heads-Up
- Hero
- High Stakes
- Hit and Run
- Hole Cards
- Small Blind
- Walk
- W$SD (Won Money at Showdown)
- WTSD (Went To Showdown)
- Zoom Poker