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Discard: The action of throwing away cards and drawing new ones in poker variants like Five-Card Draw, usually to improve a hand.

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    In poker, the term discard refers to the action of throwing away or exchanging cards during the course of the game. This is most common in draw poker variants, where players have the option to replace cards in their hand with new ones from the deck.

    Discard in Draw Poker

    In games like Five-Card Draw or Triple Draw, players are dealt a complete hand, and after the initial betting round, they are given the option to discard some or all of their cards and receive new ones in exchange. This allows players to improve their hands by getting rid of unwanted cards.

    Key Points About Discarding:

    • Number of Discards: Depending on the variant, players may discard from one to all of their cards. In Five-Card Draw, for instance, you can discard anywhere from 0 to 5 cards.
    • Timing: The discard occurs after the first round of betting, and the number of cards exchanged is entirely up to the player based on the strength of their current hand and strategy.

    Example of Discard

    In a Five-Card Draw game, a player is dealt A Q 8 2 6 . After the first round of betting, they may choose to discard the 8, 2, and 6, hoping to improve their hand by drawing better cards.

    Strategic Considerations

    • Bluffing Potential: Discarding fewer or no cards can signal a strong hand, potentially leading opponents to fold.
    • Hand Improvement: The discard phase is crucial for improving hands, especially when holding drawing hands like straights or flushes.


    The discard action is essential in draw poker games, giving players a chance to improve their hands by replacing unwanted cards. Mastering when and how many cards to discard is key to success in these formats.

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